Alabama for a Green New Deal
Moving inside the Gulf South for a Green New Deal regional formation, #AL4GND is coordinating statewide work strategically across Policy, Action, and Communications.
2023 Hub Priorities
Alabama 2023 hub priorities include:
WATER: Advance water equity
DEMOCRACY: Increase civic engagement (elections, private prison divestment, how to secure and spend federal funding)
DEMOCRACY: Grow and strengthen AL hub (strategic planning retreat & relationship building)
ENERGY: Stop fossil fuel infrastructure
ENERGY: Advance clean renewable energy/energy efficiency
LAND: Advance food sovereignty & build stronger local food systems
AL State Hub Leads
Each State Hub consists of local organizations who anchor state-wide working tables.
The following organizations lead across #AL4GND Policy, Action, and Communications.
All AL signatories to the #GulfSouth4GND Values & Policy Platform can be found here.